Monday, October 18, 2010

15 weeks

Ok well the day after i wrote the below post, she had awful was even 15 mins, so no, she is not extending her naps at all. booo! guess i just had gotten lucky for a few days.

her naps continue to be inconsistent. if they are really inconsistent, she is cranky all day long, which makes it hard for me to put her down, which makes it hard for me to get anything done.

she is definitely more aware. she will take herself off my boob and jsut look up at me and start smiling or playing. its super cute. then she will just put herself back on the boob when shes ready. or she will stop to play with my shirt or look at the designs on it.

Her night sleeping has changed a bit. She has been waking up lately. One time at 2 am, last night at 4 am, then 6 am. because of this her wake up time is earlier at around 6 am. it used to be 7 am. this sucks. I actually fed her one time at night bc im still paranoid shes hungry. I plan to call the dr today to see if i should try to feed her in the middle of the night or if she can sustain on no feedings for 12 hours. I know shes still a great night sleeper even with her wake ups, but i do miss the nights when she sleeps straight through (thus, we sleep straight through). my friend's 7 month old still wakes 3 times a night to i know i have it good at nights.

she is really starting to reach for things. when i lie her down on the playmat, she can reach for a toy, and swat at it. sometimes even grab it and pull.

speaking of her playmat, she is definitely staying longer on it becuase now shes actually interested in looking at the toys hanging and around her.

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