Monday, October 11, 2010

14 weeks

sorry. i know this blog is soooo boring now. but i have nothing new going on in my life other than the baby. =(

maddie's 100 days was yesterday!

well, maddie has discovered her hands. she likes looking at them. she finally realized they are a part of her body hehe.

she is officially sucking her thumb. she doesnt do it all the time, still sucks her fingers mostly, but she can suck her thumb.

i THINK her naps are extending. saturday she took an hour and a half nap during her 2nd nap. sunday we were out all day, but yet for her 2nd nap she took almost a 2 hour nap (in the car). today, she took an hour nap for nap 1 and an hour and a half for nap 2. wow! thats a long way from her 30-40 min naps. i hope she can keep this up.

getting much better in the car seat. slept one time coming home from the doctors all on her own. no paci or anything. yesterday she slept going to grandmas house and then slept going home. this is probably not a milestone for anyone else except me. lol.

she doesnt even want to sit up much anymore. she wants to stand! she wants to move!

she is still sleeping 11-12 hours a night! woo hoo! i can even have a glass of wine after she goes to sleep now. take a long shower. eat dinner in peace! i swear... my life changed once her sleeping got better. however, i am still always scared to death that i am starving her. i weigh her everyday to make sure shes not losing weight. she isnt gaining, but isnt losing either....monitoring as close as i can.

her poops have decreased by a lot. she used to poop 4 times a day after each feeding. the past 2 or 3 days she only poops once a day. i am always concerned about this...but i know in time her poops should be decreasing. yesterday she didnt poop all day due to all the festivities and so i was greeted this morning by a big surprise. lets just say the very absorbent diaper wasnt as absorbent as we needed it to be.

her hands found each other. apparently this is also a milestone. i think its so cute when her fingers intertwine with each other and she sits there and just holds that pose.

she is attempting to roll over when on her tummy. she doesnt do it everytime yet and its not consistent....

i just love going to her first thing in the morning. i turn on the light and start talking and i can see her smiling. then when she sees my face, her arms and legs do the helicopter and she gives me a huge smile. i just start cracking up. i take her out of her sleep sack and i sit with her in the rocker for a bit. since she just woke up, shes happy but still calm and i rock with her. shes always so warm so i love putting my face on her head. i think i could sit there all day.

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