Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yesterday we had a cardiologist appointment and we got good news. Maddie's hole shrunk! She had an echo done and the hole is still there but its very small now. We have to go back in 4 months. Maddie started fussing during the echo even though baby einstein was playing so we gave her a bottle while the test was being done.

Today i also drove out with her for the first time. It was just to the supermarket but i wanted to document it anyway. She didnt thats good. I think if she were good in the car seat, i would have done this a lot sooner. But I dont know why she cant be one of those kids that just fall asleep anywhere....oh wells, cant have a perfect baby.

Just realized that next week will be my mom's 1 year passing. One year already? Hard to believe. Hard to swallow. I dont even know the exact date. I seemed to have blocked it out of my mind. If i had to guess, id say it was the 4th. I still can't watch a show with hospital scenes like House or Grey's Anatomy without getting flashbacks of that day. I can't listen to those heart monitors with the beeping without remembering what those monitors sound like once the heart stops.

I dread losing another family member. Its bound to happen some day. Maybe one year from now, maybe 10, 20 or 30 years from now. Either way it sucks. And because of this, I want to hold Maddie so close and tight. I want her to stay a baby forever. All innocent and pure. Not subjected to any harm. I get annoyed when we're out and she breathes in cigarette smoke or car fumes. I just want her the perfect little baby she is, with no poisons entering her body. I want her skin to stay milky white and smooth. I Want her smile to always be happy and unjaded. I want to keep her safe....I want to keep her in my arms. I can't let anything happen to her.

Today she started touching my shirt as she breastfed. She now runs her fingers along the fabric, feeling this new texture. She runs her fingers back and forth inside the creases my shirt makes. Sometimes she lifts the creases, or grabs my collar and pulls the shirt down. So darned cute. So curious, so innocent. Wish I could stop time and stand still for just a few minutes longer.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

so in conjunction with my earlier post, i decided to take maddie out for a walk today. it was getting close to her nap time bt i said, lets just see what happens...maybe she will nap in the stroller. well she didnt. she fussed and tried to get out and started to cry. ok fine, we'll go home. on the way home, she was crying and crying....right when we got to the house, she started sucking her thumb, so i told jae, lets keep driving, maybe she will fall asleep in the carseat. but she didnt. she took her thumb out and stayed awake talking to herself. sigh.

so fine, we head home. i tried to put her down for her nap and she cried for 30 minutes by herself. i finally head in and tried rocking her to sleep. she cried and cried and shriked and cried and cried until jae came up from downstairs seeing what the hell was wrong with her. i couldnt take it anymore and passed her to him. he finally put her to sleep about 15 minutes later.

And that, my friends, is why parents are such sticklers about schedules and naptimes. one nap missed for that particular child can mean disaster for the parents AND child. so much for me letting go of the schedule. todays situation doesnt help the cause one bit.
Maddie is so funny these days. Shes into touching faces now. She feels around our faces and starts laughing. Such a curious baby.

She is also starting to put things into her mouth. I think shes teething. This morning, I rubbed my face against hers and she totally stuck her tongue in my mouth! Gross but i couldnt help but crack up.

Today her naps are long! 1 2-hour nap in the morning and she is on her 2nd nap and going for an hour now. I managed to throw some food in the crock pot for dinner tonight! My first cooked meal in a looooong time.

Took her for a walk to the bank and she didnt cry. hooray! i think the trick is to take her when shes not tired. i think we always take her out aft her 4 pm bottle and shes too tired to handle the carseat/stroller.

Gearing up for the holidays. Already purchsaed some holidays outfits for her...I cant wait till christmas time. I think she will be so different by then...nearly 6 months. Its so weird thinking of a christmas list for her!

Totally need a hair cut. the post partum hair loss is WICKED! I should have saved all the hair i can pull out bc i totally could have made a wig. My shower has been sort of clogged for a few weeks now! Its so gross and heard this could last until maddie is about 6 or 7 months!

I am really trying to let go of my control issues. I feel like i am the only mom who doesnt veer from my babys schedule and doesnt go to many places "until shes older". Maybe now that her schedule is getting a but more organized, I can let go a bit. But sometimes, all i can think about is how i dont want to handle putting her to sleep while im out during her nap time or how things conflict with her eating or sleeping times. It has been such an adjustment for me combining regular life and baby life.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I think Maddie is in a naptime transition. She is fighting naps more and more. Sometimes she will take a longer nap, other times shorter. Sometimes she takes an evening nap, sometimes she wont. yesterday she didnt nap from 2:30pm on. We gave her an earlier bedtime but still, thats quite a long time for a baby to be awake. Anyway, I think she is going through a transition stage. I believe at about 4 months, babies start to consolidate and lengthen naps and also their periods of wakefulness increase. I never have a problem putting her down for naps, but for the past few days, she will look tired, suck her thumb and be sleepy in my arms but once shes put down, shes awake and whining. She used to just go straight to sleep. I guess I will let her sort this out on her own...

the other problem may be that jae was sick, then i got sick and maybe i passed it onto the baby. I had chills, and a slight fever this weeeknd. I slept all day yesterday so feel much better today but I'm wondering if i passed something onto the baby.

I hate not knowing whats wrong with my baby.

Friday, October 22, 2010

We have a big problem. Maddie still hates the carseat. Its getting worse too....she is crying at the top of her lungs...crying so hard she can't breathe. thrashing her fists on the carseat. It's torture sitting in the car with her. We're not even going far...maybe a 10 minute drive. I dont know whats wrong. We thought maybe her puffy jacket was making her uncomfortable, so we removed the jacket. We thought maybe her car seat was getting too small for her, so we switched her to the convertible car seat. We tried everything and she still hates it. I Can only guess she either hates to be strapped in or she hates moving backwards. Sigh....we take her out everyday just to try to get her used to it but its not helping in the least. I feel so bad cuz she is not even a crier to begin with. I feel like when we purposely take her out, we are purposely upsetting her.

10/19 switched to big girl car seat
10/22 switched to big girl stroller seat

Today we decided to take her for a walk. We switched to the big girl stroller seat in case she was just too small for the old car seat which was placed on top of the stroller. She still cried. Not for too long...but she cried and looked uncomfortable. Not sure what the problem is but i would love to have this cleared up asap. I feel like we can't go anywhere or do anything. Car rides with her are torturous. This is the reason why i havent even driven by myself with her. I dont think i could take the crying on my own. Serioulsy, its so loud jae and i cant even talk to one another or we'd be shouting. we just sit there, listening to her wail, waiting for the car ride to end.

Anyway, maddie seems to be staying up a bit longer between naps these days. Today she did a stretch of 2.5 hours without being too fussy. shes usually asleep about an hour and a half after she wakes. This would be great cuz then we could take her more places and stay out for longer.

Shes getting super cute....i love spending time with her when shes happy. Shes such a good baby, aside from her fussy times. I guess since shes usually so happy, its hard for me to understand her when shes fussy. Its also hard to deal with a fussy baby, when you also have to work, pay bills, throw a load of laundry in, find time to eat and pee in between it all, all while carrying her bc she wont let you put her down. I understand, shes a baby...but its annoying and hard on me because im not used to it. My brother always says "shes just a baby" as if that justifies it. I dont believe it does. Yes, she is a baby but that doesnt make it right. I know a lot of people like my brother - people who dont speak from experience but think they know the answer. I was probably one of those people. BUT what i can say, its a whole different story when youre on the other side.

I still remember when i told my brother that Maddie was growing by leaps and bounds and i asked the pediatrician if she was going to be obese as an adult. My brother scoffed and called me ignorant. First, it was a joke....but secondly, im not sure why that was so ignorant. Poor adult habits can stem from when they are newborns. For eaxample, if a baby does not learn proper self soothing skills for sleep as babies, as adults, they often have a type of insomnia. In more severe cases, this actually can turn into mental illness. Seriously! Also, there is a correlation between bottle fed babies and weight. They tend to be more overweight as adults. Why? Because the bottle is a quick meal. They dont need to work to eat, they get food fast, and they dont learn how to stop when they are full. Breastfed babies work to eat, when they are full, they stop (when the hindmilk comes in is their trigger), and they learn to eat small meals throughout the day. When I asked my pediatrician about maddie's weight, i just wanted to make sure she was okay. And in my defense, after he said this, literally the next day I read an article in PArents magazine entitled "Is your baby too big" and they went on to say "Children who were overweight or obese at age 10 began gaining excess pounds when they were, on average, only 3 months old and more than half of them were overweight by their second birthday". Umm hello brother! All i can say is, when he has a baby....he will know. And then i'll be the one scoffing!

Motherhood is hard. Rewarding, yes, but hard. I also find it sometimes to be very lonely. I mean that in a way where theres no one i can trust but myself. I find that other mothers often give me wrong advice. Mothers of 1, or 3 doesnt matter - i have received ill advice from all of them. The only person i can trust is myself to do whats right for my own child. What works for one person, doesnt work for another, so its up to me to find the right answer. I also never comment on another persons child. For example, my friends baby is 7 months and he still wakes up 3 times a night to eat. I know for a fact that boy is not hungry and is only waking out of habit. But I would never say anything to my friend...its not my business. But should I? I could totally help her...i could give her step by step instructions on how to get him to sleep through the night....but i still dont feel this is my place to say anything to her. This is her 2nd kid too... and not for nothing, but i've heard her say some totally incorrect things about birth and motherhood. But im sure she believes she is doing the right thing, and its not my place to interfere with that. Like I say "you worry about you, i worry about me". Anyway, this post was all over the place...sort of like my life right about now. It's a messy chaos but its also a fun chaos as well.

Monday, October 18, 2010

15 weeks

Ok well the day after i wrote the below post, she had awful was even 15 mins, so no, she is not extending her naps at all. booo! guess i just had gotten lucky for a few days.

her naps continue to be inconsistent. if they are really inconsistent, she is cranky all day long, which makes it hard for me to put her down, which makes it hard for me to get anything done.

she is definitely more aware. she will take herself off my boob and jsut look up at me and start smiling or playing. its super cute. then she will just put herself back on the boob when shes ready. or she will stop to play with my shirt or look at the designs on it.

Her night sleeping has changed a bit. She has been waking up lately. One time at 2 am, last night at 4 am, then 6 am. because of this her wake up time is earlier at around 6 am. it used to be 7 am. this sucks. I actually fed her one time at night bc im still paranoid shes hungry. I plan to call the dr today to see if i should try to feed her in the middle of the night or if she can sustain on no feedings for 12 hours. I know shes still a great night sleeper even with her wake ups, but i do miss the nights when she sleeps straight through (thus, we sleep straight through). my friend's 7 month old still wakes 3 times a night to i know i have it good at nights.

she is really starting to reach for things. when i lie her down on the playmat, she can reach for a toy, and swat at it. sometimes even grab it and pull.

speaking of her playmat, she is definitely staying longer on it becuase now shes actually interested in looking at the toys hanging and around her.

Monday, October 11, 2010

14 weeks

sorry. i know this blog is soooo boring now. but i have nothing new going on in my life other than the baby. =(

maddie's 100 days was yesterday!

well, maddie has discovered her hands. she likes looking at them. she finally realized they are a part of her body hehe.

she is officially sucking her thumb. she doesnt do it all the time, still sucks her fingers mostly, but she can suck her thumb.

i THINK her naps are extending. saturday she took an hour and a half nap during her 2nd nap. sunday we were out all day, but yet for her 2nd nap she took almost a 2 hour nap (in the car). today, she took an hour nap for nap 1 and an hour and a half for nap 2. wow! thats a long way from her 30-40 min naps. i hope she can keep this up.

getting much better in the car seat. slept one time coming home from the doctors all on her own. no paci or anything. yesterday she slept going to grandmas house and then slept going home. this is probably not a milestone for anyone else except me. lol.

she doesnt even want to sit up much anymore. she wants to stand! she wants to move!

she is still sleeping 11-12 hours a night! woo hoo! i can even have a glass of wine after she goes to sleep now. take a long shower. eat dinner in peace! i swear... my life changed once her sleeping got better. however, i am still always scared to death that i am starving her. i weigh her everyday to make sure shes not losing weight. she isnt gaining, but isnt losing either....monitoring as close as i can.

her poops have decreased by a lot. she used to poop 4 times a day after each feeding. the past 2 or 3 days she only poops once a day. i am always concerned about this...but i know in time her poops should be decreasing. yesterday she didnt poop all day due to all the festivities and so i was greeted this morning by a big surprise. lets just say the very absorbent diaper wasnt as absorbent as we needed it to be.

her hands found each other. apparently this is also a milestone. i think its so cute when her fingers intertwine with each other and she sits there and just holds that pose.

she is attempting to roll over when on her tummy. she doesnt do it everytime yet and its not consistent....

i just love going to her first thing in the morning. i turn on the light and start talking and i can see her smiling. then when she sees my face, her arms and legs do the helicopter and she gives me a huge smile. i just start cracking up. i take her out of her sleep sack and i sit with her in the rocker for a bit. since she just woke up, shes happy but still calm and i rock with her. shes always so warm so i love putting my face on her head. i think i could sit there all day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Maddie just rolled over from tummy to back!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

13 weeks (one day late)

Maddie had zero feedings last night. ZERO! woo hoo! i was nervous...i thought she might be starving but she never cried and I let her fuss. I had to pump at 3am though bc my boobs felt like 100 lbs.

She is growing more and more everyday. I hold her and she is so chunky. She is outgrowing ALL her clothes. I keep buying more, only to have her outgrow it one week later. What a waste of money and I cant even return cuz I already washed it.

She is starting to grab at things now. Its really cute when I feed her and she grabs my cardigan and starts pulling at it.

She is becoming so much more aware. We will walk into a room and her head literally darts from side to side like shes watching a tennis match cuz she is just looking at everything and taking evreything in.

Shes adjusting well...i used to aspirate her nose or use a bobby pin for boogies and she would hate it. cry and scream. now she sees me coming and she stays still. She knows im only helping her and once the boogie comes out, she smiles. hehe.

Shes getting somewhat better in the car. She doesnt cry AS much.

I think shes going through a growth spurt. Yesterday ate every 2 hours and the day before that slept A LOT during the day, which never happens.

Her old hair has almost all fallen out, her new hair growing in. Hurry, I have cute clips I want to use hehe.

Her gas is getting better and she is also burping a lot more. Dont think she was able to burp before, or at least didnt like the feeling.

Started giving her the bottle and she is getting better at taking it. We are using formula for now which makes her poop green and smell awful. I cant wait till we use it up so I can give her pumped breastmilk. Giving her the bottle is so helpful cuz now i feel better about going out and also feel better about me not being the only one to feed her (ie i can go out and someone else can feed her! hehe).

She goes down for naps all by herself now. She still only naps maybe 40 mins tops, but its ok since she sleeps so long at night. She will take 3-4 naps a day. Nighttime she gives us a bit of crying when she goes down but its nothing unmanageable.

We started her in her exersaucer. Shes still a bit small but she does like looking at all the things.

Thats about all the update I can think of. In the past few weeks I have really really enjoyed playing with her and being with her. I started work and I cannot imagine having to leave her if I had to put her in daycare. So thankful I can work from home.