Wednesday, February 3, 2010

18 weeks

Today my baby is the size of...


a bell pepper.

Hard to imagine that it was once the size of a poppy seed!


my baby has grown a lot but still a long way to go. stay in there baby! it is only about 7 oz now, still not a pound yet. grow baby grow!

speaking of growing... I am getting a few comments about how big i am. i know im not huge, but i think i am big for being 4 months. Not just one person but i would say a handful has made a comment or two. So i started to do some research online, and low and behold, I found that most woman at 4 months are barely showing. and most of them have definetely gained less than 10 lbs. Some were in the 20-something week and still gained only single digits. Hmmm..i went to various sites and chat rooms to collect my info and they were all like this. i felt extremely fat and piggish after reading this, yet deep down I know i have done no wrong and i dont look out of place...yet.

Now I do know that different people carry differently. For example, if you have a short torso, you will show earlier. It also depends on your abdomen muscles etc. But still, I think im a bit bigger than i should be. And while im not too bad, i am still gaining more weight than i should. I have no idea why im so concerned with this. I have been since day one....i just want the labor and post-labor to be easy, and my weight bounce back relatively seemlessly and still have a healthy baby. is that too much to ask for? hehe.

i have a favorite puma sweatshirt. i wear it on the weekends mostly. i wore this a lot in the beginning of my pregnancy. I put it on today and err, its smaller than I remember.


heres me wearing the sweatshirt 3 months ago...i was pregnant here. not by much but you can see the sweatshirt fits, and it goes below my pants line.

it seems my little baby protrudes out just enough for this sweatshirt to land above my pantsline. will need to rethink wardrobe

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