Friday, September 25, 2009

Last night I had a dream. I never remember my dreams but I remember this one. I had a house. I dont think the inside was all that but the backyard was to die for. It was above the whole world. Rasied up and and below and beyond were mountains and just a killer landscape. To the left of me were some taller modern looking structures, I dont know what they were, but through the hole of one, I could see the reddest, more orange sun. It was setting. I turned my back to the patio table to grab my camera and when I was ready to take a photo, the sky had turned dark. The sun set, just like that.

I've been having very mild cramping all week. They say these could be implantation pains!!! I hope so!!! They feel like ovulation pains, but they last for a longer time. If I wasn't aware of getting pregnant, I would probably just go about my day like normal without even noticing them.

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